Often, changes in lifestyle such as reduced sleep, lack of exercise and stress can cause headaches. However, with a few simple adjustments in your habits you can relieve yourself of this frequent condition.
For those people who fight against headaches , it may seem that the only answer is medication (and for some, this is true). But if you are looking for a way to fight the headache without side effects or potential addiction , there are numerous natural remedies that are worth trying.
Although these less aggressive options may not give you the complete relief that narcotics offer, they could take enough of you to make life with headaches more bearable. Or, at best, they could eliminate them completely.
Here are 9 natural remedies to relieve headache:
This should be your first line of defense against any headache. The lack of hydration in the body causes the blood vessels to narrow and reduces the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, which can cause headache. If indeed this is the origin of the headache, you can relieve symptoms quickly by drinking one or two glasses of water.
Basil oil
Since many headaches are caused by muscle tension and stress , a muscle relaxant can be very effective in relieving these types of conditions. The extract has properties basil muscle relaxants, and when the basil leaves are dipped in tea or chewed, can relieve headaches mild to moderate. You can spread pure basil oil for similar effects.
Peppermint oil
In traditional herbal medicine, peppermint oil is often used instead of acetaminophen (paracetamol) and typical pain relievers because, in some cases, it turns out to be more effective in relieving headache and is completely natural. It can be applied topically on the temples or the affected areas for a relaxing sensation , or it can be inhaled using aromatherapy techniques to achieve the effect.
Lavender oil
This essential oil is one of the most potent, due to its antispasmodic and vasodilator properties . Lavender oil is also sedative, and when used in the treatment of headaches or migraines, it not only relieves tension and concentrates pain areas, but also helps induce sleep and relaxation. Allow yourself to rest until the symptoms pass.
Change the diet
For at least 2 weeks, eliminate all foods that contain gluten, dairy, eggs, yeast, corn, sugar , citrus, coffee (if you consume caffeine regularly, gradually reduce consumption over a period of 2 weeks before starting the elimination diet ), chocolate, alcohol, food additives (monosodium glutamate, nitrates and nitrites), aspartame and other sweeteners, and sulphites (found in wine, salads, nuts).
Since they have a well known calming effect, clove oil is often inhaled or applied as a paste on the back of the neck or temples for quick relief of headaches . They are not the most pleasant to eat, but some people choose to crush them in various foods for similar effects. The success of this remedy is due to the natural anti-inflammatory agents of clove, flavonoids , which affect the body through topical application or inhalation.
The aroma of apples is one of the strangest ways to reduce headache , but the olfactory sense is powerful, and numerous studies have shown that this specific aroma quickly reduces the discomfort associated with headaches.
The key component in rosemary, which gives it many of its attributes, is rosmarinic acid , which has anti-inflammatory effects. By grinding rosemary leaves and powdered sage leaves, you can infuse an herbal tea . Drink this once or twice a day to prevent migraines and tension headaches, or take it in greater amounts while suffering from the symptoms.
Hot and cold compresses
There is a discussion as to which compress has the greatest effect, but most people tend to choose the cold compress . Apply it to the back of the neck or forehead. The cold will reduce inflammation and temperature, and also decrease and cool the pumping of blood that can cause stabbing pain in the affected areas.
The c hot ompresas can also propagate inflammation and heat through the entire head and stimulate new blood pumped to the heated areas, which allows oxygen to relieve muscle tension. Both options work; Choose the one that works best for you.